The Chartreux should be fed a nutritious diet and care should be taken not to overfeed. With a tendency toward developing struvite crystals, be sure that you work with your veterinarian to choose a food that isn’t too alkaline (many plant-based foods contribute to high levels of alkalinity).
Also, be sure that your cat has easy access to fresh drinking water at all times. If your cat doesn’t take in enough water, urine becomes more concentrated and struvite crystals can develop. If this is the case with your cat, consider incorporating wet food to add moisture to the diet.

The Chartreaux is a pleasant cat to have as a companion. She is easy going and placid. The Chartreaux is a fiercely loyal, loving cat and will attach herself to every member of her family.
While the Chartreaux will play, she actually doesn't need hourly attention. If she is in the mood to play, she will bring a toy to someone. The Chartreaux also plays well by herself. She is a good companion for single people as she plays in spurts and is comfortable by herself or with her parent.