
Some breeds require very little in the way of grooming; others require regular brushing to stay clean and healthy. Consider whether you have the time and patience for a cat who needs daily brushing..

Their hair is soft, gorgeous and medium in length. While the Chartreux cat's grooming needs are considered to be moderate, they do need to be brushed on a daily basis to avoid getting knots. This is especially important when the seasons are changing since the coat may become thinner or thicker. A bath would generally not be necessary. If you do decide to bathe your cat, remember that it may take a while to get the water resistant coat wet. It's important to brush teeth and trim nails every few weeks to keep your cat in top condition.

The soft, woolly character of the Chartreux’s coat makes it easy to care for. Many experts warn against brushing it since its unique texture is more suited to the action of a comb instead of a bristle brush. While the Chartreux does an excellent job of grooming itself, the extra attention will keep mats from forming and serve as good bonding time for you and your feline friend.

Several times a year, the Chartreux will shed his undercoat. During this time, you may want to comb it every day to keep the flying fur under control. But, you shouldn't need to bathe your cat very often.

The Chartreux makes an excellent family cat for the steady, quiet family
The Chartreux should be fed a nutritious diet and care should be taken not to overfeed!
Chartreux Breed History